Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This one is called Error 37 Rage, Error 3006 Rage, Diablo 3 Rage
what do you get when you add a dash of lisp, some pure fury and a plastic figurine to eat poke your face with? Francis.

How To Score 100% On ANY True/False Tests

yup. learn it here, kids.

The shit stops here!

the mop. lol

Anchorman 2 Teaser

2013? Kill me now.            

Guess Who Lives on...

your mom.

Treat Your Guy To a Donut.

Thanks for the sex advice, Cosmopolitan magazine!
That's just not the filling i want in my donut :/

school of stingrays

i'd crap my wetsuit.

the long or short of it.

weddings, sigh!
family weddings = framed pictures forever.
only a few more months to go before my brothers big day, one of the few significant events to happen in my life thus far, and my main concern is how I'm suppose to grow a pair big enough in time to chop my hair off. me. me. me. me. me. me. me. me.

Time-Lapse Map Of Europe

Fast forwarding from ca 1000 AD until 2003 showing EU shifting borders, alliances, unions, territories & occupied land

the coolest 3 yr old alive

could the parents be more proud.