Wednesday, February 12, 2020

O Coley Night 🙌🏻

Beach Buggy Racing 2

First off, don’t even bother thinking you’d beat me at any video game, especially a race. The only person who ever could was my brother. Secondly, Beach Buggy Racing 2 is highly addictive. Lastly, if you do download this and happen to come across OXLY... Good Luck, you’ll need it.

Kind of sad that old people, who have the least amount of time left, are the ones wasting the most time typing in ‘http://www.’

It would be pretty badass if people never stopped growing and old people were like 30 feet tall. Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Your Lonely Score is the maximum number of forks a takeout place has given you for your single person food order. My score is 4

I’ve been on a very strict diet since Jan 3rd, mostly because i lost my energy & enthusiasm for life during the holidays due to all the delicious food choices, alcohol units and some sad life-stuff. I’m not a psychopath, I waited until all the yummy stuff in the house had depleted before attempting anything this strict.


I’ve gone full batshit over Gorgeous Nudes Line, color #09 lavender, semi translucent nail varnish so I’m gonna fan girl about it. It’s exactly the look I love on a natural nail. I bought a few different colors, they’re all so pretty but I’m a lavender girl to the core.

Real talk: At that price I’m sure it’s riddled with horrible chemicals so I’ve refrained from looking. Ignorance is bliss. Please don’t follow suit, do your research. Fact: The number of things I feel compelled to sniff before I buy, is slightly disturbing.

NSA RECORDING PHONE CALLS: At least someone was listening to my mom during our phone conversations. #justkiddingmom #pleasecallmeback


Alsace region of France,
close to the German border.

Valentine’s Day is only a few days away

I crave a love so deep
the ocean would be jealous


Click, Max150, Orgasm
You’re welcome