Friday, December 2, 2011

"Vodka, Bourbon, Tequila!" - me calling the shots.

tonight is going to be a shit show. i completely paid off my gold card last week and so at least i know i can get home in a limo later when i cant find anyone i went out with.

if you know me well then you know that i don't really drink that often, but when i do, i forget my own name. for example: the last time i went out and got stupid-drunk, I mean completely shit faced drunk, i had a great night, drama free, no fighting, found out i've got the moves like i just drank jager (apparently when i dance people think im looking for my keys) then left all my stuff at the pub and took a cab home, gave the driver a 20$ tip and a kiss on the cheek goodbye and proceeded to crawl down the side of my house on my hands and knees to the backyard taking most of my clothes off along the way... i had to double back and search for my jeans to find my keys.

Once inside, i tried to play uncharted3 online but couldn't focus properly, so i walked around my 200 sq ft living room looking for my things four times before i called this girl i knew that had been at the same pub and asked her to look for my stuff. she found my coat and stuff. this is a dumb story. 

Note to future self: put gold card in bra.