Friday, February 10, 2012

In the past few years i have lost most everything familiar in my life; family and friends included. it has been a surreal experience to say the least and it has changed the person I am because it has jaded my faith, not to forget to mention it is humbling to feel forgotten.

Yet, i remain an advocate for love and maintain the hope that any new relationships that i am willing to nurture and invest my time in wont as easily let me down. I dream of the day I can really trust again and be loved and valued for the person i am.

I wish that for all of you reading this, every single one of you, yes even you, and I hope that this valentines day finds you in the arms of all these thing and more.

Love is not dozens of red roses and bottles of champagne, dinner dates and boxes of chocolates, although that stuff is wonderful I'm sure, those things are merely tokens of affection. Love can not be bought. It is an array of the simple everyday things, things that are so easily overlooked.

A kiss to say hello or a hug when someone is sad, a phone call to hear a voice. Making that one person happy just to see them smile will hold more reward than winning any lottery. We need to recognize and appreciate the people who do this for us and do the same for them in return.

this February 14th take a moment to figure a unique way to show the one you love, the one who put their faith in you, just how much they mean to you. A simple gesture can make a huge impact. We should never assume the people we care about know how much that is. It's not only about showing them, its about reminding them that we do see it all even when it's not always acknowledged.

LOVE, like most things in life, are exactly what you make of it and if you are lucky enough to be surrounded by it then you have everything.
