Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday FAILs

WARNING: Scenes of consumerism gone awry in this video.

Black Friday Tip: If shopper is holding the product you want, tell them it smells funny. When they sniff it, slice their Achilles tendon.

Black Friday Tip: Scream "You're all Black! in HERE" at other shoppers while pointing at heart. Then mace them and continue shopping.

Black Friday Tip: Show up at store dressed as employee. Accuse other shoppers of shoplifting, mace them, then look for sales.

Black Friday Tip: Empty entire bag of large marbles into store upon entering. While everyone falls down, looks for sales. Mask optional.

Black Friday Tip: Hijack the store PA system and announce "Attention Shoppers: Your cars are all on fire." Optional: Set cars on Fire. do not stick around to look for sales.

I’m really stoned rn.