Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Conversations with Adriana

 *phone rings*

Mom: "I'm going to see Sex and the City!"
Me: "That movie came out like 3 years ago."
Mom: "I don't like to do things quickly."
Me: "Fine, but don't have a diet coke."
Mom: "I'm totally going to have a diet coke."
Me: "You'll stay up all night."
Mom: "I'm hip."
Me: "If you call me at 10 pm looking to go to the Landing, you can forget it."
Me: "No, Mom, I'm working late tonight."
Mom: "Well, you have to go somewhere afterwards."

*awkward silence*

Mom: "I'm going to Sex and the City!"


20 minutes later, the phone rings.

Mom: "It's not playing!"
Me: "Shocking."
Mom: "Well, I GUESS I could go see Les Miserables."
Me: "It seems like a movie you'd like."


Me: "Right."