Friday, July 19, 2013

Lunch is on Godzilla Today

Ok here’s the juice. I lied. I rarely lie but I will fully admit to it this time. I promised my brother I’d go to see Pacific Rim with him but ended up going with someone else. Hey now, It was a matinee so it didn’t really count. I couldn’t tell David. In the week that followed he called a bunch and always brought it up but I didn’t have the nutz to confess. I just figured I could avoid it until it was out of imax. No one wants to see that shit on a regular screen, right!?

Anyways, a while later Dave calls and tells me he bought us tickets! I felt sick, not because I lied (asshole) but because I fucking hated it. I HATED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!

Long story medium, the person who suffered the most from this (besides you for having to read this shite story)  = me... for and additional 2 odd hrs of it.
Please, Let me do the math for you... that’s a total 4.5hrs of a horrible movie.

Thank you but no more pacific rim ever again.