Saturday, February 1, 2020

10 Interesting Facts about Me

Most of you probably won’t read this, but I thought I’d post some random and useless facts about myself so you can get to know me a bit better.

10. I am extremely allergic to artificial banana flavoring. It makes my tongue bleed. 

9. I have a small birthmark on my upper arm that looks exactly like a seahorse. My grandmother had a identical one on her arm, same spot. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

8. I had my Gallbladder out, so I can’t eat fatty foods, but I’m totally okay with it because I fucking love veggies ‘n’ shit. 

7. I have this stupid irrational fear of the dark. I rarely sleep, maybe 4hrs a night... either way I always need a light on. In pitch black I start to believe in ghosts & monsters again. 

6. Growing up, my parents divorced and my brother and I joined the circus. We held each other’s hand and never looked back. We were best friends until he got married. 

5. I absolutely, with a passion, hate carnations. If you put one in an arrangement it’s ruined. Carnations are the worst. I’m getting upset right now just thinking about it.

4. I love to sing, I’m actually not too bad but you’ll rarely hear me do it. Somewhere along the way I caught a serious case of the shy. If you want to see me faint, force me to karaoke. 

3. I am a complete moron at math. I never used to be and then one day, just like that, I couldn’t even add numbers in my head anymore. If you throw a sporadic equation at me please don’t look at my hands. 

2. I hate when people touch my face. I know I know, total girl thing, but it honestly makes me cringe. Touching my face with your hands? Forget it. I will throat punch you without exception. 

Saving the best for last.

1. I have lightening fast reflexes. It’s my superpower. I think that might be from years and years of gaming. If something drops, without looking or as much as thinking, I’ll just snatch that bitch right out of thin air. It’s so fast you’ll just stare in awe. I’m a fuckin ninja.

Right now you’re probably thinking “Neat! Nelles just wasted 3 minutes of my life!” Unless you’re a speed-reader, in which case I only wasted 2.5 seconds.