Sunday, February 2, 2020

SUNDAY MENU: Housekeeping with a side of haunting.

When one of the better selfies you’ve ever taken is
because a filter/mask is covering 60% of your face. 😒

Finding a job when you move to a foreign country and live in a rural village is hard business. I lucked out and have been working at a very old, very haunted hotel for almost a year now. Yes, I’ve heard the ghost. I’ve never experienced anything like it and until that moment I was a non-believer. Today the housekeeper on shift called in sick and so guess who’s been pulled off bar restock and put upstairs.

Here’s the kicker; A few of the depart rooms are down on the original side of the hotel, where the ghost is almost always active when someone is by themselves. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little on edge about being all alone today but that pales in comparison to how much I know I’m gonna hurt later. 10 fuuuuuuucking rooms on zero sleep. Man, I wish this superhero mask did more than make me look like a knob.

Just your regular Sunday stuff.


[When reading Elliot, insert thick Scottish accent]
[When reading Me, insert mild Canadian accent]

Me: Wanna hear a joke?
Elliot: ok
Me: What’s the difference between a bathroom and a refrigerator?
Elliot: I don’t know.
Me: You're disgusting.

(1 minute long pause)

Elliot: You’re getting deported!