Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Your Lonely Score is the maximum number of forks a takeout place has given you for your single person food order. My score is 4

I’ve been on a very strict diet since Jan 3rd, mostly because i lost my energy & enthusiasm for life during the holidays due to all the delicious food choices, alcohol units and some sad life-stuff. I’m not a psychopath, I waited until all the yummy stuff in the house had depleted before attempting anything this strict.

Basically my entire diet consists of 2x 4ounce protein portions @minimum of 4 hrs apart, 2x low sugar fruits, 1lbs non starchy vegetables, 2x bread substitutes and as much water as I can intake daily. I drink loads of water regardless so that was the easy part. 

Most importantly, no processed food and zero sugar. The only sugar I get is from my fruit portions. Yup, it knocks you the fuck down but when you get back up it’s life changing. Approx: Two weeks. Trust. I’m my best self again. It feels amazing. 

Once a week, I precook all organic fresh meats and package them so it’s an easy grab. Basically, I've stopped calling it "sandwich" meat and started calling it "stand in front of the fridge and eat it out of the baggie" meat.

One of the stupidest things you can do on a diet, especially when you’re a busy person, is think that cooking yourself something for each meal is do-able. Most of the time it’s not. If you’re going to choose one time to cook for yourself, make it dinner. Sometimes that can even be a bust so it’s always good to have grab portions. It truly feels like shit when you slide because you didn’t have time and you went for something quick and easy.

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail! 

TIPS: Don’t fucking weigh yourself all the time. Brush your teeth when you’re hungry. Listen to good music while you do something productive. Keep yourself busy. Look good, feel good! Once you hit your goal, keep up the healthy choices but love life. Enjoy special occasions. You don’t always need to be a strict machine. Everything in moderation. Just do yourself the biggest favor and stay away from white sugar, it’s death in disguise.

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” -some smart asshole said that.

Yeah, so I just wanted to post a great song and somehow I’ve managed to rock out my savage diet.