Friday, February 14, 2020

You won’t believe the size of the Harpy Eagle

The Harpy looks downright regal with its crown of raised grey feathers, beautiful eyes, expressive face and feather collar of black and grey apart from its impressive size. This bird has the ability to reach up to 3 feet in height with a wingspan of up to 7 feet. A female Bald Eagle weighs up to 12 pounds while the female Harpy Eagle weighs between 13 and 20 pounds. Female eagles are heavier than male counterparts, typical. A male Harpy would weigh almost half the weight of the female at her heaviest... between 9 to 13 pounds.
Natural Habitat: The upper canopy of tropical lowland forests, stretching from Mexico to Brazil and northern Argentina.
Due to their immensely powerful talons, the Harpy is at the top of the food chain, they have enough strength to catch and carry small animals weighing as much as 17 pounds. Favourite meal: sloths and monkeys. Their speed can hit 50 miles per hour.