Friday, February 17, 2012

i won't spoil it for you, but this 13-second clip proves that this is arguably one of the greatest dogs ever born.

Julian Smith - One Bad App

Thank you, Brother

You’re paying for this... and I DONT mean a replacement! 

Things I've actually said while drunk #36: "Get your friend to hold your baby while i punch you in your slut face."

Kitty OD's on Catnip Stash. Dont Judge.

Bride at 100

Turning 100 is a significant milestone on it's own but Dana Jackson decided to also tie the knot on her 100th birthday. How very sweet.

one time i got food poisoning while on my period, so i have a pretty good idea what it feels like to be married.




Whatcha Thinking About? Nothing, just making touchdowns and stuff...

Toddlers & Tiaras With Tom Hanks

is this for real? you decide.

a couple of nuggets.

lauren and i love this. ketchup and mayo takes it home. yo'

side note: never ever eat mcdonalds food and for fuck sakes stay away from nuggets. yuck.

Josh Robert Thompson Does 4 Amazing Impressions

nails each one. bravo.

When i was a kid i slept with a nightlight to keep away monsters who were scared of small, low wattage lightbulbs.

what is this from?

i know one girl in particular who didnt read this.

#It’s meeeee