Thursday, January 3, 2013

Top 10 Champagne Facials in Slow-Motion

In the face! IN! THE! FACE! [Safe for work!]

Us Magazine Reveals Amazing Weight Loss Tip

It's simple. If you're pregnant, just have your baby, stupid.

Ladies And Gentlemen, Led Zeppelin!

And Robert Plant's camel toe!

Madonna & Sean Penn's Wedding: August 1985

When musicians and actors honestly didn't care about what people thought of them.

Bookworm Chair

RC - Superman!

let this RC fly through a city :D

It's Thursday and I think that calls for A Speedy Train Ride


Are You Sick of 2012 Pop Mash-Ups Yet? Neither Am I

Robin Skouteris - PopLove (2012) - Mashup of 24 Artist
I fucking hate most pop but this mash was pretty freaking good.

Best Dream EVER

We are not crazy... WE ARE AMAZING!

i bet these guys all have awesome profile pictures... and nutsacks the size of potato bags. respect.

D'awwww of the Day