Wednesday, February 19, 2020

“Shit, my tea.” -UK problems ☕️

There really isn’t a problem that a cup of hot tea with honey can’t solve.

"What if our packaging was totally easy to tear open... unless you had a cut finger?" --Band-Aid makers, seriously, f those guys.

Optisling 100

If you're going to explore the boardwalks of New Jersey, it's a necessity to pick up a bag of salt water taffy. But what makes this sweet situation the real pride of the Jersey Shore?

Is it bizarre that THIS just made my bucket list?
janelle and choices don’t mix well.

Victoria‘s Secret Love Spell

Hey, if it worked for Victoria. I’m always down for spells and sorcery. This stuff smells like dry cleaner chemicals & old beer... and the pairing is magic. It’s unusual and addictive, meaning you wanna sniff this stuff as much as possible. contains strong base notes of B & shenanigans ðŸ’œ #halffull #restock #may #canada