Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Caine's Arcade - the fun pass is an awesome deal!!!

A 9-year-old boy who built a cardboard arcade in his dad's auto parts store is about to have the best day of his life. this is so totally worth the 11 minute watch.!!!

Windows Project Glass

Microsoft released their augmented reality glasses prototype immediately after google did.

my new ride

I have decided that I am going to put buying a new car on hold for awhile due to the fact that the kind of vehicle i want is still way out of my price range, instead I have bought a vintage cruiser and will spend this summer riding around steveston, to and from work, and all the other places i need to go. i love it.

i know i need to buy a helmet (gulp) i hope i luck out and find one that matches my mouth guard. be sure to honk if you see me so i can flip ya off. xox