Friday, February 15, 2013

What's Your Mardi Gras Name?

What Did You Do at 15? i was busy looking for spanish fly on leisure suit larry.

Jack Thomas Andraka (born in 1997) is an American inventor, scientist and cancer researcher. He is the 2012 Intel Science Fair grand prize winner. Andraka was awarded the Gordon E. Moore Award for his work in developing a new method to detect pancreatic cancer.

You're Kind of OK

HOLD THE PRESS... meet the best vday card yet

The Irish Shot Glass

So I Hear the Flavors are Natural

Best Degree Ever

Supercut of the Day: 2 min of Goats Yelling Like Humans

1:23 Holy shit I cracked up so hard and :24 saw me naked.

eternal love.

Well, This Makes The Rest of Us Look Bad

He's Become More Powerful Than We Could Imagine

Toiletries WIN

this dude wants y'all to know that talking about star wars on the first date is a wookie mistake.


Romanian Pimp My Ride

if you have a favorite tetris block that isnt the 4x1 long piece, you're a fucking contrarian idiot asshole.

best hpv-day card

i know who this card is for :)

D'awwww of the Day

let me know if you didnt get the roses i sent.