Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Mariah Carey owns biggest Camel Toe. Is it wrong to wanna poke it? Cuz i do.

D'aww of the Day.

How to Stop a Nightmare.

The Udar

As a college student Michinobu Uda dreamed of creating a unique musical instrument, with a lot of hard work and study he did just that. The UDAR is a scifi-esque musical device played like nothing else I’ve ever seen.

Mr. Uda uses both hands to press parts of spiral cords that wrap around either side of the device. Each turn of the cord represents a jump in 1 octave, and movement from the center of the UDAR outwards increases the pitch.

Udar Diagram

It has foam on the ends so you can comfortably place your palms on each side, and also wires to help you twist your hands around the device. The UDAR uses midi output, so the instrument can be changed to whatever sound you like: strings, piano, guitar, etc.

How much does it cost? Unfortunately, Mr. Uda currently has no plans to sell it.