Thursday, March 29, 2012

my imaginary friend wont stop staring at me, what a nutjob.

ahhh, the life. layin' back kick flickin' some water. tannin' old willy. eatin' some unknown and highly questionable floaty. passed out face first in the shade. possible ignored drowning. 

someone really wants his treat.

helping make everday at work feel... real.

Oh man, this one goes out to my dear pal, Lauren.
this is how she felt at work today thanks to revenue canada.

The Golden Goddess

Jennifer Lawrence at the premiere of The Hunger Games = Stunning. 


If i park 20 spots from the mall in an empty parking lot and you park next to me, I'm slamming my door into your car 34 times. -female

Peter The Elephant Loves His Smartphone

I guarantee this will make your day :)

Ron Burgundy's 'Anchorman' Announcement On Conan.

Ummm, Who hasn't been waiting for this news??!! I'm excited but would be more so if it were a sequel to Step Brothers. Either way, Will Ferrell is King. Good to see ya, Ron.

Stair Of The Dog 2022

Your lazy dog will never have to climb a staircase again.
We're living in the golden age!