Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A waiter dumps 5 beers on her back and she shrugs it off with a classic hand & hair toss.

PROPS to German Chancellor Merkel. my new beer hero.

when worlds collide.

this is what it sounds like, when doves cry.            

Good News: Your Marrying Your Hot Girlfriend.
Bad News: Your best friend, also your best man, has to be in every situation.            

Vote Haley Wade For Vice-President.

Haley taped these posters over all urinals at the University of Calgary where she's running for VP and she'll probably win.

Will Richard Branson Do The Mariana Trench?

Billionaire Branson wants to be the first to conquer the Mariana Trench, but director James Cameron wants to do it too.

Japan Reinvents How To Mod Your Car.

Japan, right when your tentacle porn and live soft shell crab vending machines have sickened me, you redeem yourself with this.

Jimmy Fallon Hanging With Michelle Obama.
Just doing White House stuff in the White House.

A Sneak Peak At Obama's State Of The Union. The White House released this photo as a behind-the-scenes look at what an Obama speech looks like. Interesting stuff.