Monday, November 19, 2012

Slow Loris: The World's Only Poisonous Primate

Name: Kinako
She is a Slow Loris that has teeth!

Domestically breed
Kinako was born in Japan pet shop.

Yes the hunting and "domesticating" of the slow loris is a huge problem, but these owners seem to take decent care of it. It has a box to protect itself from the light, and it was born in a pet shop, not the wild. Not to mention that this particular slow loris still has her teeth.

Are slow lorises really venomous?

The Slow Loris is nocturnal primate, of the subgroup Prosimians, suborder Strepsirrhini, and is found across a belt of countries around Indonesia and in the Malayan rainforests. Lorises are a very slow moving primate that spends most of the day time sleeping. They do not leap through trees, but instead they climb very slowly. They have special blood vessels (a special network of capillaries) in their hands with the help of which they can cling to branches for hours.

To understand it clearly, we must know the difference between the terms 'venomous' and 'poisonous.' Though they sound similar, they are very different. A poisonous animal produces toxins that are either inhaled or ingested into the victim’s body, whereas the venomous animal’s toxin has to be injected into the victim’s body. 

As for the Slow Loris. They have very sharp needle-like teeth on their lower jaw, shaped like a spade. Their bite is so painful and agonizing that they can create extreme allergic reactions (up to anaphylactic shock), followed by Hematuria, which is a reaction to the allergen. Their elbows plays an important part as a lethal weapon in their defense mechanism. On the inside of the elbows, lies a patch which is used to store a foul smelling toxin. Right before the toxic biting, the loris will suck some poison from the patch and mix it with their saliva, inside their mouth. When all this is put together, it is clear that Slow Loris is a poisonous and not a venomous animal.

All that aside, did you see that little fury hand when it first grabs the rice ball? A+dorable.