Monday, November 4, 2013


I gave notice at my cushy ft job of six years, notice at my rental of two years, and with the help and support of my dearest friends, Natalie & Brandie, my wonderful boyfriend Ross, and my best friend and brother David... I started working on the many, many loose ends involved with moving... internationally.

I sold my car and pretty much anything with a plug, gave away loads of belongings to friends and family and donated the rest to charity. I packed 4 suitcases with what I needed and moved EVERYTHING else that I owned into storage to be shipped overseas in 2015. For those who really know me well, you know how much more I went through before I said my goodbyes to all my loved ones including one brutal final goodbye to my darling Bynky of 18years. 

Needless to say; this past month has been a cacophony of emotion... but the hardest parts are over and i am happy to report that as of 5am PST I landed safely and am now officially living in the UK (London, France and Scotland) for the next year.

give me a few days to get settled, buy a plug adapter for my laptop (and ps3 - but you didn't really need to know that I brought that) and I will get on blogger and try keep you laughing... 

HAPPY GUY FAWKES DAY NOV 5th - he burnt down parliament buildings and everyone here celebrates with mass fireworks!