Tuesday, January 14, 2014

just the best Fish Bowls EVER... By the time you are halfway done, you'll swear that those gummy fish are real.

This bowl of brain-dulling deliciousness, based on the Blue Hawaiian, should be sipped slowly.
Also: Do not share.

½ cup Nerds candy
½ gallon goldfish bowl
5 oz. vodka
5 oz. Malibu rum
3 oz. blue Curacao
6 oz. sweet-and-sour mix
16 oz. pineapple juice
16 oz. Sprite
slices of lemon, lime, orange
4 Swedish gummy fish

Sprinkle Nerds on bottom of bowl as “gravel.” Fill bowl with ice. Add remaining ingredients. Serve with 18-inch party straws. If you find bamboo shoot straws and gummy frogs for the citrus lily pads you will be the official fishbowl RockStar.