Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Far Side of the Moon.

The far side of the Moon, sometimes called the dark side of the Moon, is the hemisphere of the Moon that is permanently turned away, and not visible from the surface of the Earth. To me, this is one of the more fascinating things that exist in the known Universe.

The far side was first photographed by the SovietLuna 3 probe in 1959, and was first directly observed by human eyes when the Apollo 8 mission orbited the Moon in 1968. The rugged terrain is distinguished by a multitude of crater impacts, as well as relatively few lunar maria (Latin for 'seas,' since the earliest astronomers incorrectly thought that these plains were seas of lunar water).

It includes the second largest known impact feature in the Solar System, the South Pole-Aitken basinTo date, there has been no ground exploration of the far side of the Moon.