Wednesday, February 5, 2020

All the roads are lined with cobblestone

I live in a fairytale. I swear it’s surreal at times. In moments where horse drawn carriages pass down these roads and I’m all alone hanging my laundry on the line, or suntanning with a tall glass of ice water (vodka and soda)... it feels like I’ve wandered back in time. I’m blessed to be able to travel this world and still be loved unconditionally by my incredible family and friends, who have gracefully allowed me to leave them for years at a time, yet still talk to me as if a day hasn’t gone by. 

That said, I’m returning home this May and I’m very excited to reconnect & spend time with everyone after my lengthy duration away. So much to tell. I await the mass flood of messages and calls after everyone of them reads this... it’s the first I’ve said a word about it and it’s on a blog.

Stand by for action.